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Pure Water Distillers

Pure Water brand of water distillers has been recognized as the single most effective way to protect against the full range of possible contaminants that can be found in water

"I work with clients every day who struggle with all kinds of chronic illnesses. Many times it's extremely important that they're consuming clean water. That means removing heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, etc.. That's where the Pure Water comes in. I recommend Pure Water to many of my clients because it's a great way to be confident that you're consuming clean drinking water." - Dr. Jaban

Let's Talk Water Facts!

Establishing that you are properly hydrated helps ensure you have the energy and fluid you need to optimize detoxification and drainage via your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and colon.

Water is life. The human body is made of 60% water. Humans need to be adequately hydrated for their physiological systems to function. Additionally, water helps blood to maintain the consistency it requires to flow freely and transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.

Essentially, drinking clean water is foundational to our health! Think about how much water you consume over the course of a day, month, and year! We want to make sure there are no additional, harmful toxins coming in with that water.

Why does my water need to be cleaned?

Every day we spray, dump, burn and flush more of these toxins into our environment. Our planet is filled with highly toxic chemicals like: herbicides, industrial solvents, gasoline, pesticides, concentrated heavy metals and even radioactive elements.

There is an increasing number of toxins showing up in water supplies around the country. The vast majority of these chemicals are not regulated, so even when the government says that your water is safe, your water could still contain harmful contaminants.

These contaminants are often deemed acceptable in small amounts. However, these are very difficult to detox and place a cumulative strain on your detox, digestive, and endocrine systems. The rising rates of fertility issues, low testosterone, early onset puberty, disease, and more, point to the importance of limiting disruptive toxins in our environment and water!

What is the Difference in Purification Methods?

Filtration: This involves passing water through a filter to remove impurities and contaminants. Filters can vary in their pore size and material, targeting different types of contaminants.

Chlorination: Adding chlorine or chlorine compounds to water effectively disinfects it, killing bacteria and viruses. This method is widely used in municipal water treatment.

Reverse Osmosis: Water is forced through a semi-permeable membrane that filters out most contaminants, including particles, bacteria, and chemicals. This method is effective for reducing a broad range of impurities.

Distillation: This process involves boiling water and then condensing the steam. Distilled water is free from impurities, making it very pure.

The process of distillation takes tap water and adds heat to it. The liquid water changes into water vapor and leaves any junk behind in the boiling chamber. The pure water vapor then rises and is moved into a separate chamber and then it’s cooled back down into liquid water. Unlike filters, distillation produces consistent purity because this process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation is a physical quality of water that never changes. It’s happened for millions of years and will happen for millions more.

Fresh, distilled water is the most natural form of water and is recommended by top doctors and nutritionists around the world. It’s the perfect solution for your home, business and as a well water purification systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Berkey, Brita, and other countertop filters compare to distillers?

While there are many options for water filtration, distillation is our favorite. Many filters like the ones mentioned above filter out some compounds but not others. This is better than nothing, but of course we want water to be as clean as possible. Generic plastic water pitchers and filters usually fail to filter out radioactive elements and heavy metals, to name a few. The Therasage TheraH20 pitcher and Clearly Filtered Pitchers are a good option for those wanting some protection from water contaminants, but are also on a budget. Brita filters do not remove heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria. A Berkey filter removes most but not all heavy metal and uranium. If filters are not replaced frequently, it can lose its effectiveness in removing fluoride. It’s a great option for families on a budget, and can be a helpful step in the journey towards getting a distiller. If you are looking into purchasing a certain filter, do lots of research and look for third party testing to confirm what it does and does not remove.

Should I add minerals back to my distilled water?

When distilling your water it is important to add minerals back into the water as distillation strips the minerals out. This applies to other methods as well, such as Reverse Osmosis. We recommend Concentrace Mineral Drops (1/2 tsp or 40 drops), Celtic Sea Salt (1/2 tsp per quart of water), or CT Minerals from Cellcore Biosciences (if tolerated). For those who tolerate CT-Minerals, we recommend 1-2 capsules dissolved per gallon. Other mineral-rich additions to water can include coconut water, lemon or lime juice, Master Mineral drink, or electrolyte powders like Dr. Bergs, ReLyte, or LMNT. SaltStick can also be used for sodium!

Can I buy distilled water from the grocery store?

You can buy gallons of distilled water from the store while you save up. You can then run this water through a water filtration pitcher, such as the TheraH2O to remove any remnants of plastic from the jug. Phthalates and BPA are the main concerns around plastic. You can ensure that a plastic is phthalate and BPA free by looking at the recycling triangle symbol found somewhere on the container, usually the bottom. Absolutely avoid the number 3 when possible. This number denotes a toxic form of plastic, containing polyvinyl chloride.

Another option is to see if you have a local water purification store where you can go and refill bottles/jugs of water. You can guy glass jugs for water and refill them at the store to avoid the plastic jugs at the grocery store.

Just like anything, do your best with the resources you have! We’re always working towards improvement- not perfection! Drinking distilled out of plastic jugs is not “ideal” but is so much better than drinking unfiltered tap water.

Which Size is Best for You?

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Water Distiller

.8 Gallons - 5-6 hr. cycle

$700 $593

$700 $593

*with code drjaban5

Mini Classic CT


Water Distiller

0.8 Gallons - 3.5 hr. cycle

$845 $755

$845 $755

*with code drjaban5

Midi Classic

Automatic Home

Water Distiller

5 Gallons

$2500 $2085

*with code drjaban5

$2500 $2085

Mega Classic


Water Distiller

10 Gallons

$3500 $3,130

$3500 $3,130

*with code drjaban5